Webinar - Customers want customization...but do they want the options?

If you're a manufacturing product planner, designer, or engineer, join us on Thursday, July 30, 2020, for our first webinar: Customers want customization...but do they want the options? In this webinar, experts from JATO Dynamics market research and Gocious product decision analytics will explore and discuss trends around customer behavior in manufactured products.
Today's customers demand customization, so products are growing in complexity because of multiplying options. How can product teams meet the insatiable appetite for customization without creating unsellable combinations? How are manufacturers sifting through vast amounts of data to make the right decisions?
President of JATO North America, Matt Weiss will share market trends from across the manufacturing and automotive industries. Gocious CMO Mark Kapczynski and Gocious Customer Success Director Simon Leyland will introduce product decision analytics, and talk about how product planners and managers can better understand and control the complexity of options within a defined product line.
Join the experts
Matt Weiss, President, JATO - N.A., has worked for Ford Motor Company, Jaguar Land Rover, and Ferrari. His career has focused on bringing together teams to use data and digital solutions. He enjoys using data to launch new products, improve processes, grow sales, and maintain a lean and agile expense structure.
Mark Kapczynski, Gocious CMO, has an extensive background, including the automotive, fintech, information services, and media industries. He blends his knowledge and expertise in marketing with a passion for growing and building businesses. Mark brings his direct experience from work at Microsoft, Experian, Envestnet, and Wrench to lead Gocious' launch into the market.
Simon Leyland, Gocious Director of Customer Success, has worked with some of the world's top automakers, including Ford, BMW, and Jaguar Land Rover, in various roles centered around product data. Simon brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to Gocious to identify the challenges product planners and managers have in manufacturing and to jointly develop solutions that meet their needs.
Please join us as we explore, discuss, and debate today's industry trends in product customization.
Don't forget to register and we'll see you on Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 10AM PST/1PM EST!