Product Management (8) Articles

9 Skills a Product Manager Must Have

What if you could conjure up a new car with the snap of your fingers? Or create the latest smartphone with the tap of a button? That is the kind of efficiency that people dream of, but since technology isn't quite there yet, manufacturers still rely on product managers to help bring these products to life as efficiently as possible. 

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9 Effective Ways to Improve Collaborations in Product Development

Multi-stakeholder processes require collaborations to be effective. Think of your own company and all the different departments and teams involved in developing your products. You have your designers and engineers who create the ideas for the products or the new features that will be integrated. You have the entire production team that covers sourcing materials, manufacturing components, and assembly. Then, there’s the marketing team is in charge of promoting the end product. All these players have significant roles to fill that depend on each other, and no one can complete their work in isolation.

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7 Unique Advantages of Using a Strategic Product Management Tool

It's no secret that managing product development is a complex process. You may have dozens of team leads or executives to check in with and keep informed. You could be working with one prototype product or managing an entire portfolio of product lines from original models to brand new launches. 

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7 Headaches Every Product Manager Understands (And How to Make Them Disappear!)


The role of a product manager is a rewarding one, even if it's not always glamorous. You're busy balancing the opinions and priorities of different departments, trying to keep everyone on the same page while maintaining ambitious timelines. Still, despite these challenges, seeing a new product or variation on a feature launch into the real world from the ideation stage to the sitting-on-a-shelf stage is incredibly satisfying. 

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Webinar replay: Gocious product roadmap management

There are plenty of product roadmap tools out there today. Still, our research has shown there is a clear need to improve product roadmaps to ensure teams of teams are aligned, the entire portfolio meets strategic business objectives, and there is efficiency in re-using components and increasing innovation. Many roadmap platforms today:

  • Organize teams around one product at a time, not your entire portfolio
  • Are more focused to meet the needs of developing software rather than physical products
  • Can force you into specific ways of working rather than being flexible enough to adapt to the unique requirements different manufacturers do have

Struggle to understand the dependencies of product content across your product teams and your overall organization

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To Agile or Not to Agile: That is the Question for Manufacturers (Part 3 of 3)

The impact on your org and how to be successful

To catch up with this series, please see here for Part 1: product planning for durable goods; and here for Part 2: getting started in our new integrated world.  

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To Agile or Not to Agile: That is the Question for Manufacturers (Part 2 of 3)

Getting started in our new integrated world 

Please read Part 1 of this 3-part series on the move to Agile here: product planning for durable goods.

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To Agile or Not to Agile: That is the Question for Manufacturers (Part 1 of 3)

Product planning for durable goods 

Seeing first-hand what our durable goods manufacturing clients face daily as they aim to update their processes got us thinking about what it really means to effect change in their environment. What tangible and intangible factors must be considered. How to approach an endeavor that they perceive will append their entire product management operation. Naturally, we mean the “switch” from more traditional Waterfall models to newer Agile ones.

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Insights to Actions: The 5-Step Product Management Method

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Product Management tools: today and tomorrow

Product Management plays a key role inside companies driven by their products; it’s instrumental for organizational growth and strategic market advantages. 

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