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Product Management Articles

Enhance your product planning to supercharge your PLM

Does this sound familiar? You're deep into a new product development process and heads down working on executing the product plan. Suddenly, you realize discrepancies in the products and feature definitions, the timelines to launch them, and their configurations. A myriad of spreadsheets, text documents, and presentation files stored in different places make it confusing to navigate as you are not sure what the latest approved decisions and definitions are. This means that now is the time to stop what you're doing and jump into the 'data scramble' and send a deluge of emails to product planning and product management teams to get the answers you need with a definitive picture of the product line.

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Webinar replay: Supercharge your PLM environment

Gocious recently held a webinar to discuss why integrating product planning with PLM is essential. The webinar, available to watch on-demand, presented the benefits of integration for PLM and product planning. We discussed how Gocious can help with that integration and also digitally transforming the product planning process.

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Webinar replay: Product launch cycle trends in the age of agile manufacturing

Gocious recently held a webinar to discuss the results and insights of a recent industry market research study that we conducted. The webinar, available to watch on-demand, presented some of the key insights that we uncovered. We ultimately discussed the ways manufacturers can optimize their product launch cycle times.

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Cloud-Based Data Storage - The Future of Agile Manufacturing

Products are becoming more and more complicated—and manufacturers are having a harder time keeping up. 92% of manufacturers have reported that their products have become more complex over the last half-decade. This complexity isn’t limited to incorporating the software and circuitry that comprise the IoT—even purely mechanical designs have become more intricate. 

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Webinar replay: Customers want customizations...but do they want the options?

Gocious and JATO Dynamics North America recently held a webinar for manufacturing product planners, designers, and engineers to discuss customer behavior trends in manufactured products. The webinar, available to watch on-demand, hosted experts from the two companies who evaluated the situation manufacturers face in designing product lines with complex customizations.

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Digital twin data - How digital twins affect product planners

The hallmark of a good company is that it’s sensitive to the ways in which users want them to improve their products. The benchmark for sensitivity, however, has changed dramatically over the past few years. Product lifecycles are much shorter—across manufacturing industries, companies now derive more than half their revenue from products less than three years old. In other words, product planners need to begin adopting an Agile mindset iterating the new and improved version of their product almost as soon as the Mark One version hits the shelves.

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Webinar - Customers want customization...but do they want the options?

If you're a manufacturing product planner, designer, or engineer, join us on Thursday, July 30, 2020, for our first webinar: Customers want customization...but do they want the options? In this webinar, experts from JATO Dynamics market research and Gocious product decision analytics will explore and discuss trends around customer behavior in manufactured products. 

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Remote Collaboration - How Our Startup Team Meets the Challenges

We are a small startup team of engineers and software developers that rely heavily on daily collaboration. A crucial goal for us during lockdown was to protect our ability to innovate together. Moving from a close-knit shared workspace to siloed environments in our homes challenged us to develop ways to cultivate the comradery, inspiration, and high drive we all share. 

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Are You Capitalizing on Your Digital Transformation Investment?

Most hard goods manufacturers are embracing the digital transformation by focusing on their factory floor operations. They are spending millions and, on occasion, billions of dollars on upgrading equipment and streamlining processes. Often though, very little attention is given to the front-end of manufacturing. Why do manufacturers fail to extend their digital transformation to the early product definition, planning, and design stage? 

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A New Way to Analyze and Visualize Your Product Definition

Within the manufacturing world, product planning teams are chartered to define new products to meet customer and market needs. These products are often made up of countless individual feature sets, packages, and options, adding to the complexity of products. There is a strong need for decision analytics to help inform decisions, reduce complexity, and increase speed to market. 

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Product Planners are Artists & Need Tools to Craft Profitable Products

Product planners are like artists. They interpret and translate customer needs into product requirements. Unfortunately, they spend so much time managing the product requirements process that they don’t have as much time to truly innovate. 

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Top 3 Pain Points Affecting Manufacturers & Product Planners

One of the biggest challenges product planners and manufacturers face is hitting the production schedule. You have to be careful that you don’t rush product launch and end up with a misaligned product, or miss fulfilling customer needs or market opportunities. The goal is to optimize around production and equipment efficiencies. And although changes are inevitable during production, having the tools to quickly react and resolve them is critical.

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