Product Management Articles

Maziar Adl

Maziar Adl
My main job is to run our Southern California-based venture, Gocious, a product roadmap platform for manufacturers that empowers better product innovation for discrete manufacturers. I oversee the end-to-end design, implementation, and development of Gocious products and features. I have a long history of bringing automation and digital transformation to different organizations to ensure they stay competitive by taking advantage of recent technology and organizational trends.
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Recent Posts

7 Headaches Every Product Manager Understands (And How to Make Them Disappear!)


The role of a product manager is a rewarding one, even if it's not always glamorous. You're busy balancing the opinions and priorities of different departments, trying to keep everyone on the same page while maintaining ambitious timelines. Still, despite these challenges, seeing a new product or variation on a feature launch into the real world from the ideation stage to the sitting-on-a-shelf stage is incredibly satisfying. 

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Manage Product Definition with a Single Source of Truth (SSOT)

As a product manager, you know that your success depends on capturing and having access to accurate product definitions. But keeping track of all that data can be tricky– it's easy for information to get scattered across different files, databases, and teams. The problem gets more complex as your market grows and you want to extend your current products to new or adjacent markets. This can make it challenging to efficiently have all the information at your disposal to make informed decisions about your product.

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Use a Product Roadmap to Drive Your Product Strategy

As a product manager, you need a clear strategy to drive your product forward. Without a solid plan, you'll struggle and make little progress.  

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To Agile or Not to Agile: That is the Question for Manufacturers (Part 3 of 3)

The impact on your org and how to be successful

To catch up with this series, please see here for Part 1: product planning for durable goods; and here for Part 2: getting started in our new integrated world.  

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To Agile or Not to Agile: That is the Question for Manufacturers (Part 2 of 3)

Getting started in our new integrated world 

Please read Part 1 of this 3-part series on the move to Agile here: product planning for durable goods.

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To Agile or Not to Agile: That is the Question for Manufacturers (Part 1 of 3)

Product planning for durable goods 

Seeing first-hand what our durable goods manufacturing clients face daily as they aim to update their processes got us thinking about what it really means to effect change in their environment. What tangible and intangible factors must be considered. How to approach an endeavor that they perceive will append their entire product management operation. Naturally, we mean the “switch” from more traditional Waterfall models to newer Agile ones.

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Insights to Actions: The 5-Step Product Management Method

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What’s in a name? The different shades of Product Manager.

Product leaders as revenue growth drivers

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Product Management: the foundation of a successful business

Product Management has a strong strategic role within product-driven organizations.And yet, it is fraught with archaic processes and tools. Here, we discuss topics that every Product Manager, CEO and any team member contributing to product planning should be familiar with.

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The Value Map, a product managers ally in assessing products position in the market

As a product manager, knowing the value of your products in the market is a never-ending pursuit. It is a fundamental gauge to determine whether the product needs changes and how best to position it in the market. There are different methods to assess value and use that to determine how to position the product. However, in this article, we will focus on Value Map, which is a tool to assess the positioning of your product in terms of price and customer value compared to the competition.  

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