Product Roadmap (3) Articles

How to Use Your Product Roadmaps to Combat Market Saturation

Combatting market saturation requires strategic planning and innovation to differentiate your product and capture new market segments. Innovation helps keep your products relevant and competitive against other companies in your industry, while strategic planning and market research can open up new doors. These are just two strategies among many more that can help your company avoid market saturation before it has a major impact on your portfolio. 

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5 Ways to Keep Your Product Roadmaps Flexible Yet Focused

Traditionally, your product managers have spent large portions of their workweek checking in with each product team and their progress. They've struggled to update spreadsheets, create presentations, and share only the latest versions with you, the executive. 

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How Product Roadmapping Tools Make PLE More Effective & Efficient

Increasing efficiency within your organization's product development process does not come in a one-size-fits-all solution. Each industry has unique challenges to launching the next best product. The product development approach best suited to your organization will depend on the size of your company, the complexity of your product lines, and your mindset for success

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Just Released: Prioritizing Voice of the Customer Using Capability Scores


Your product teams consist of talented and capable individuals who are dedicated to creating amazing products. Their skills make it possible to produce and launch established models while generating consistent suggestions to improve future iterations. 

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5 Challenges of Cyber-Physical Product Development

Ever since the launch of the first iPhone in 2007, consumers have grown accustomed to physical devices containing software systems. Every year, we're introduced to various new products with astonishing capabilities that directly impact our everyday lives. In addition to the products people use in their daily lives, there are many more products that we benefit from, even if the average person never interacts with them directly. From autonomous vehicles to sophisticated medical devices to space exploration, cyber-physical products are all around us and shaping our future. 

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5 Essential Factors to Consider in Product Portfolio Management

Product portfolio management is far more involved than managing a specific product model. It involves monitoring, analyzing, and strategically assessing multiple product lines to ensure all models are meeting the needs of the target customer. To successfully manage a product portfolio, companies need to take into account their current and potential offerings while maintaining profitability. 

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How to Use Your Product Roadmap to Make Product Line Projections & Stay Aligned With Product Goals

It’s rare for a company to grow with a product that doesn’t change or innovate. There may be success and significant market share following a release date, but over time, that share and popularity will decrease as the competition continues to introduce new features, software upgrades, or improvements in design. The reality is that companies must continuously improve their products to keep and grow their market share.

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What Characteristics Make An Effective Product Roadmap?

Product roadmaps are crucial for communicating the product vision, guiding product development, aligning development teams, and communicating with various stakeholders. The failure to use a product roadmap effectively will often lead to confusion, misalignment, and possible failure of the product. This article focuses on what makes a good product roadmap and how to use it to ensure success. 

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How to Use Product Segmentation to Enter New Markets

Every product manager knows they must meet their target audience's needs to succeed. However, they also know that while consumers may ask for a laptop computer, not all their needs will be the same. For example, a customer who loves to play online games will value a powerful CPU and pay more for a smooth experience, while a college student majoring in the arts will value a lightweight model that doesn't add bulk to their stuffed bag. They only need their laptop for general use, and they will not pay more for additional speed or memory. 

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Is a Product Roadmap Contrary to Agile Philosophy?

In the product development world, there are various opinions on Agile Philosophy. Should organizations use it? Does it work for manufacturing complex products? Is it scalable for large companies?

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