Product Development (6) Articles

Living in a Hybrid World: How Product Managers Can Navigate Stage-Gate, Agile, and Hybrid Models

In the product development world, different companies use various methodologies to plan, build, and launch their product lines. Some continue to use the traditional stage-gate methods of making and testing complete prototypes over several years before launching to the market. These companies typically have large-scale, complex physical products such as vehicles, machinery, or massive software programs. 

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What Is the Role of AI in Product Development?

Although AI is a newly emerging trend, its applications are already found to be beneficial in multiple industries. In product manufacturing, AI is particularly useful in improving product development processes, predicting customer preferences, and automating laborious tasks.

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What Are OKRs and Why They Matter in Product Development

They say that setting a goal means nothing when you have no way to track your progress or measure your results. The same truth applies to business. Your company may set lofty objectives, but without a clear plan to achieve those goals or specific metrics to track and measure success, those goals will likely not be reached. 

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How to Develop a Product Line: Clone & Own vs. Platforming

Every company that has developed a product their customer loves wants to repeat the same success. It feels good to know your market and deliver value. Some product teams think about long-term success and put plans in place from the initial design. They know that if their product is successful, they’ll want to create other versions. Even companies who haven’t planned in advance to replicate their products still have a choice to make between these two methods. 

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Just Released: Integrating Gocious Roadmaps With Jira for Seamless Collaboration

Many powerful management tools are available to manufacturers and product teams beyond the high-level dashboard that a product roadmap management software offers. Engineering teams, for example, require effective ticket management software systems that help them prioritize their backlogs and delegate tasks to their teams before reporting back to their product managers or product owners. 

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How to Bridge the Gap Between Product Strategy and Execution

The main objective of a product strategy is to create a plan to help a company achieve its overall goals. This plan should be clear and concise and reduce the time and effort in the development process while increasing growth and efficiency. To successfully execute the product strategy, a product manager should have access to the necessary resources and employ efficient development practices to meet the goals. 

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Best Practices for New Product Managers

As a new product manager, your role is to oversee the production of products that meet your company's business goals and fulfill the needs of your customers. If you've done your research, these two goals align. While product oversight is the primary goal of a product manager, their daily tasks encompass a wide range of activities. Here are some of the best practices product managers should follow to be successful in their field. 

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10 Useful Online Resources for Product Managers

What Is the Point of Professional Development? 

Whether you are new to the product management industry or a seasoned product management professional, continuing education can benefit you at any stage of your career. All aspects of product development are ever-evolving as technology and trends change over time. The same is true for people; we rely on thought leaders to keep us informed of the latest product design and development news so we can adjust our objectives and processes accordingly.

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How to Incorporate Customer Feedback Into Your Product Planning

As any great product manager knows, creating an amazing product means understanding your target audience. It is important to know what your potential customers are looking for from the type of product you are planning. In-depth customer research is something that can take a product from good to great, which is why customer research cannot be an afterthought. Successful integration of customer research needs to be considered from the beginning and should be interwoven throughout the product planning process. 

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How to Bridge Communications Between Hardware and Software Teams

From cell phones to cars and smart fridges to pet feeders, software is increasingly finding its way into hardware products. As a result of this growing trend, manufacturers need to integrate software features into their products to provide more user-friendly, customizable options to satisfy the needs of their customers. 

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